Volunteer Code of Conduct for WERS Wicked Good Festival
WERS is so excited for this event and grateful for its volunteers! To make the event fun and safe for everyone, we have developed a Code of Conduct for appropriate behavior while at/involved with the WERS Wicked Good Festival ("Festival"). These expectations include, but are not limited to, obeying laws and engaging in appropriate interactions with others. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. Depending upon the severity of any violations of these expectations, suspension or dismissal from the Festival and future WERS/Emerson College sponsored activities may result.
Emerson College values an inclusive and welcoming environment. This event is family-friendly and open to the community. Everyone associated with the event is expected to be welcoming, polite, respectful and professional.
Volunteers May Not:
- Smoke or consume alcohol or drugs on Boston Common.
- Engage behavior that is verbally or physically abusive.
- Engage in interpersonal violence or harassment.
- Damage or destroy Boston Common public property.
- Discriminate against attendees, staff, or other volunteers.
- Take any photos or make any video or audio recordings of the performers.
- Attempt to profit from the Festival.
- Threaten anyone, use weapons, or claim to have law enforcement power.
Volunteers Must:
- Remember to take breaks, rest, and stay hydrated.
- Evacuate premises if directed by Boston Police.
- Report any emergency to Boston Police.
- Report any suspicious activity to Boston Police.
- Treat all individuals with dignity and respect.
- Avoid conflicts.
- Use good judgment.
There will be a bunch of tents and booths to visit around the festival, and not to mention the activities around Boston Common (Frog Pond, playground, carousel, etc.)
Thank you to our nonprofit partners - be sure to check them out at the Festival.