Support WERS to Keep the music free!

As a listener supported station, WERS depends on the generosity of members to continue bringing music discovery to the airwaves. Join the community of thousands by making your tax-deductible gift today.
Become a Member >>

Right now, we're inviting members to join the WERS Matching Gift Program to make the biggest impact possible. If you're ready to take your giving to the next level, then consider directing your philanthropy to this high impact program.
Learn More Here >>
As you consider the role WERS has played in your life, we invite you to make a transformational gift to the station. You can leave a permanent legacy by incorporating WERS into your estate plan through a planned gift.
Planned Giving >>

We make donating a vehicle easy, and your gift qualifies for a tax deduction too! Simply call us toll-free, or complete the form, and we'll pick up your vehicle for free at a time that works best for you.
Donate Your Car >>

Become instantly eligible for premium perks and privileges including concert tickets, station tours, and more when you join our 889ers Society today.
Join the 889ERS >>
Questions about membership or sponsorship?
Feel free to reach out to us!
Andie Jankowski, Membership Coordinator:,
Ali Dorman Fernandez, Associate Director, Sponsorship and Corporate Support:
Find out sponsorship opportunities here.