WERS is Hiring: Associate Director, Underwriting and Corporate Support

Associate Director, Underwriting and Corporate Support 

We are adding an underwriting and corporate sponsorship executive to our staff and would appreciate any recommendations you may be able to send our way.  The ideal candidate is a fan of public radio and TV and has media or sponsorship sales experience.  We often find that successful candidates have the following type of experience:

  • advertising sales for a local business publication such as the Business Journal
  • corporate sponsorship sales for a local arts organization
  • advertising sales at a city magazine
  • sponsorship sales for a major local event

The posted job description follows:

Associate Director, Underwriting and Corporate Sponsorship- WERS seeks determined and persuasive sales professionals to join our public broadcasting sales team.  Position requires the development of new business and excellent communication and presentation skills.  3 years of sales experience and a 4 year college degree are required. Media or marketing related sales experience preferred.  Please e-mail cover letter and resume to kevin_cooney@emerson.edu. You can also find more information about the position at: https://emerson.peopleadmin.com/postings/18954

Please feel free to pass this on to anyone you feel may be interested and if you have someone that meets this description, I would sincerely appreciate a call or response with their name and number.

Thank you for your help and continued support of public broadcasting!

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