Graphics by Nicole Bae
It's Super Tuesday! Massachusetts and 13 other states vote in the Presidential Primary on Tuesday, 3/3, and we want to say thank you for doing your civic duty.
When you're at the polls, give us a call at 617-482-8890, and we'll shout you out on-air as an outstanding member of our democracy! You can also drop us a note on Facebook or Twitter, or tweet us a pic of you with your super cool "I Voted" sticker! Please include your name and where you're from in your call or post.
We're unable to read any comments, retweet any posts, or include any shout-outs that endorse a particular candidate.
Check out some of these helpful links before you head over to the polls:
- Find your precinct/election information
- Check out your registration status
- Missed out on registering to vote for Super Tuesday? Get registered for the general election here!
Happy voting!