By: Jess Filippone

I volunteered last year for two lunch shifts at Rosie’s and felt the love the second you walk into the establishment. The women there are insanely strong and deserve the best, and it was honestly an honor to be of any sort of assistance to those ladies. I couldn’t even imagine being in their shoes.
I got to speak to a decent amount of them throughout the shift, which lasted a few hours. They continued to thank us, and all I wanted to say is no, thank you. Thank you for being so strong and for trying to make the best out of a hard situation. Seeing their eyes light up when the WERS staff walked into the cafeteria was something I will never forget.
I’m definitely going to go back to Rosie’s this year and do what I can to help as much as possible. Thank you to everyone that was able to donate to our #DayofGiving. It’s personally one of my favorite days at the station because everyone is getting together to make something amazing happen for others; so thank you for being a part of that.