Happy New Year's Eve! Heading into the new year, we wanted to offer some music resolutions for the betterment of our listening. From going to new venues in Boston to getting familiar with a new artist, check out our writers' 2025 music resolutions below!
Listen To More Mitski
This upcoming year, I want to listen to more Mitski. Over the past several years, I have listened to her music in spurts throughout the year, and I have always enjoyed her music. This year I want to make more of an effort to listen to her discography, because there are definitely some hidden gems in there that I have not heard yet!
- Fenton Wright, Staff Writer
Learn Guitar
This year, I hope to continue learning guitar. While I am an experienced pianist, bassist, and vocalist, I am a rudimentary guitar player at best. My New Year’s resolution is to improve my skills and tackle barre chords, soloing, and accompanying myself while I sing. I believe this will improve my talents as a performer and songwriter, as well as increase my understanding and appreciation for the music I listen to. As an added bonus, it brings me one step closer to my goal of becoming a one-woman band!
- Annie Sarlin, Staff Writer
Go To Sonia
The best thing about turning 21 is that it opens up one's access to new venues. In Cambridge, I am excited to check out the shows at Sonia, which is an extension of the Middle East. The often 21+ venue hosts great local bands and exciting electronic projects. While they sometimes have shows accessible to those under the age limit, Sonia feels right to visit after my birthday. No matter the venue, I generally hope to broaden my musical horizons with smaller, local Boston shows this year — especially now that everything is open to me!
- Gavin Miller, Web Services Coordinator
Make Monthly Playlists
If there’s one thing I love, it’s tracking my habits throughout the year to see how my music taste has developed. I’m committing to making a new playlist at the beginning of each month to add songs that I’m obsessed with or have just gotten into for the first time. I’ve tried and failed to do this for the last few years, so let’s see if I actually hold through with justifying having so many playlists on Spotify.
- Ren Gibson, Staff Writer
Get Into Alice Phoebe Lou
After being charmed at the Clairo tour this year, I developed a newfound appreciation for Alice Phoebe Lou, who was the opening act. While there are a few songs of hers that have snuck their way into my rotation already (“Witches” and “Open my door”, namely), it’s been a goal of mine to give her discography a full listen. I have a sneaking suspicion I will like what I hear! When life gets busy, it’s easy to rely on old favorites to get you through your days, but discovering new artists can feel all the more rewarding when you make the time for it. So, if there’s an artist you’ve dabbled in this year, I encourage you to take the plunge in the new year! I certainly will, so expect some blurbs about Alice Phoebe Lou in 2025!
- Avieana Rivera, Music Coordinator
Listen To 2,000 Minutes Of Music, Weekly
I have an app that tracks my listening, and tells me how many minutes of music I listen to per week. In the two years that I have been using the app, I’ve noticed that when I listen to more music, I have a better week. I also discover more things that I haven’t heard before, and become more well versed in all the cool stuff that happens in the music world. Last year, my listening totaled 87,417 minutes, but my goal for 2025 is to hit 104,000, or 2,000 minutes of listening per week. Music is a huge part of my life, and I want to make even more time for it in the new year!
- Ahni Brown Harbin, Staff Writer